
Multiple Objective Behavioural Synthesis

Speaker Professor Zwolinski 
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton, UK
CECS Host Professor Ian Harris
Location ICS 432
Date & Time April 14, 2005
Refreshments at 10:30am, Lecture begins at 11:00am
Abstract For a number of years, the Electronic Systems Design Group in the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton has been working on a behavioral synthesis tool – MOODS (Multiple Objective Optimization in control and Data path Synthesis). Unlike many other high-level synthesis tools, MOODS optimizes designs by a series of small, localized transforms to the data and control paths. This approach has some significant advantages over other techniques, most notably that a number of different objectives can be specified, without knowing the relationship between those objectives. Initially, optimization was performed in terms of area and critical path delay, but this has been extended (through a succession of PhD projects) to include power, testability and reconfigurability. In this talk, the techniques used and results achieved will be discussed, together with future research directions.

Dr. Mark Zwolinski is a Reader (Associate Professor) in the School of
Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton UK. He
completed his BS in Electronic Engineering and PhD in Electronics at
the University of Southampton, too. He was appointed as a lecturer
(Assistant Professor) in 1990. His PhD was on the topic of electronic
circuit simulation, but he has since developed research interests in
analog and mixed-signal test, high-level synthesis and verification. He
has published over 100 refereed conference and journal papers and is the
author of two books.