
Overview of Colloquium by Dr. Masato Motomura

STP Engine, a C-based Programmable HW Core featuring Massively Parallel and Reconfigurable PE Array: its Architecture, Tool, and Real System Usecases Speaker Dr. Masato Motomura, System IP Core Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Japan     CECS Host...

Overview of Seminar by Dr. Stephen A. Edwards

Concurrency and Communication: Lessons from the SHIM Project Speaker Dr. Stephen A. Edwards, Columbia University CECS Host Professor Tony Givargis Location Donald Bren Hall (DBH) 4011 Date & Time November 18, 2009 Refreshments at 10:30 am, Lecture begins at...

Overview of Seminar by Dr. Sungjoo Yoo

Advanced SoC Architectures for Multiple DRAMs (Enabled by 3D Die Stacking) Speaker Dr. Sungjoo Yoo POSTECH CECS Host Professor Nikil Dutt Location Donald Bren Hall (DBH) 3011 Date & Time November 17 , 2009 Refreshments at 1:30 pm, Lecture begins at 2:00 pm...

Overview of Seminar by Prof. Tajana Simunic Rosing

Energy Efficient Computing Speaker Prof. Tajana Simunic Rosing, Department of CSE, UC San Diego CECS Host Professor Daniel Gajski Location Engineering Hall (EH) 2430 Date & Time November 16 , 2009 Refreshments at 1:30 pm, Lecture begins at 2:00 pm Abstract In this...

Overview of Colloquium by Naoki Nishi

NEC’s Manycore Platforms for Low-Power Embedded System Speaker Naoki Nishi GM, NEC Central Research Labs, Japan     CECS Host Professor Nikil Dutt     Location Donald Bren Hall (DBH) 3011, University of California, Irvine     Date...

Overview of Seminar by Dr. Sani R. Nassif

Why Circuits Fail Speaker Dr. Sani R. Nassif IBM Austin Research Labs CECS Host Professor Fadi Kurdahi Location Donal Bren Hall (DBH) 3011 Date & Time November 10 , 2009 Refreshments at 1:30 pm, Lecture begins at 2:00 pm Abstract We live in a world where we...