Conference Proceedings
Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)
Date: January 19-22, 2009
Location:Yokohama, Japan
R. Doemer, A. Gerstlauer, W. Mueller, “Introduction to Hardware-dependent Software Design,” ASP-DAC 2009:290-292
S. Abdi, G. Schirner, I. Viskic, H. Cho, Y. Hwang, L.Yu, and D. Gajski, “Hardware-dependent Software Synthesis for Many-Core Embedded Systems,” ASP-DAC 2009:304-310
S. Pasricha, N. Dutt and F. Kurdahi, “Dynamically Reconfigurable On-Chip Communication Architectures for Multi Use-Case Chip Multiprocessor Applications,” ASP-DAC 2009: 25-30
IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE)
Date: October 21-23, 2009
Location: Macau, China
M. Panahi, W. Nie, K-J Lin: The Design and Implementation of Service Reservations in Real-Time SOA. ICEBE 2009: 129-136
The 6th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI)
Date: April 22-24, 2009
Location: Boston, MA, USA
Y. Agarwal, S. Hodges, R. Chandra, J. Scott, P. Bahl, R. Gupta, “Somniloquy: Augmenting Network Interfaces to Reduce PC Energy Usage,” NSDI 2009:365-380
P. Verkail, Y. Agarwal, R. Gupta, A. Snoeren, “Softspeak: Makng VoIP Play Well in Existing 802.11 Deployments,” NSDI 2009:409-422
The 6th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
Date: June 3-5, 2009
Location: Berkeley, CA, USA
S-M Yoo, C-J Chen, P. Chou, “Low-Complexity, High-Throughput Multiple-Access Wireless Protocol for Body Sensor Networks,” BSN 2009:109-113
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)
Date: September 22-25, 2009
Location: Vienna, Austria
A. Kejariwal, A. Nicolau, A. Veidenbaum, U. Banerjee, C. Polychronopoulos, “Efficient Scheduling of Nested Parallel Loops on Multi-Core Systems,” ICPP 2009:74-83
The 14th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPOPP)
Date: February 14-18, 2009
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
A. Nicolau, G. Li, A. Kejariwal, “Techniques for Efficient Placement of Synchronization Primitives,” POPPP 2009:199-208
A. Dash, B. Demsky, “Sofware Transactional Distributed Shared Memory,” PPOPP 2009:297-298
International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES)
Date: October 11-16, 2009
Location: Grenoble, France
A. Sasan, H. Homayoun, A. Eltawil. F. Kurdahi,“A Fault Tolerant Cache Architecture for Sub 500mv Operation: Resizable Data Composer Cache (RDC-Cache),” CASES 2009:251-260
G. Bournoutian and A. Orailoglu, “Reducing Impact of Cache Miss Stalls in Embedded Systems by Extracting Guaranteed Independent Instructions,” CASES 2009:117-126
The 23rd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS)
Date: June 8-12, 2009
Location: Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
A. Nicoalu, G. Li, A. Veidenbaum, A. Kejariwal, “Synchronization Optimizations for Efficient Execution on Multi-cores,” ICS 2009:169-180
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
Date: March 9-12, 2009
Location: Honolulu, HI, USA
S. Choudhuri, T. Givargis, “FlashBox: A System for Logging Non-deterministic Events in Deployed Embedded Systems,” SAC 2009:1676-1682
The 6th Conference on Computing Frontiers (CCF)
Date: May 18-20, 2009
Location: Ischia, Italy
S. Liu, L. Wang, X-F Li, J-L Gaudiot: Space-and-time efficient garbage collectors for parallel systems. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2009: 21-30