
International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS)

Date: October 11-16, 2009
Location:  Grenoble, France
Website: http://esweek09.inrialpes.fr/conferences/codesisss/index.shtml

M.A. Ghodrat, T. Givargis, “Efficient Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling through Algorithmic Loop Transformation,” CODES+ISSS 2009:203-210

C. Yang, M. Chen and Alex Orailoglu, “Squashing Microcode Stores to Size in Embedded Systems while Delivering Rapid Microcode Accesses,” CODES+ISSS 2009:249-256

S. Sirowy, B. Miller and F. Vahid, “Portable SytemC-on-a-chip,” CODES+ISSS 2009:21-30