Speaker: Nael Abu-Ghazaleh
Title: Architectural Support for Security in Emerging Platforms
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Time: 10:00am
Location: Harut Barsamian Colloquia Room (Engineering Hall 2430)
Host: Fadi Kurdahi
Computer systems are facing a growing threat from increasingly motivated, organized and sophisticated attackers. The problem is complicated by the rapid evolution that computing platforms are experiencing towards mobile and embedded devices, as well as many-core systems, distributed systems, virtualization and clouds. These emerging platforms offer new system and use models and therefore are subject to new vulnerabilities and threat models. This talk motivates the role that computer architecture must play in securing current and emerging systems. I will define this role spanning three primary directions: (1) new security models for protecting not only systems but also applications; (2) architecture support for monitoring to improve resilience to attacks, but also to rapidly detect and contain successful attacks; and (3) Security for emerging architectures. I will animate each of these directions with examples from our recent work.