risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable Class Reference

#include <combined_data_conflict_table.h>

Collaboration diagram for risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CombinedDataConflictTable (risc::sg::DataConflictTable &dct, PathInstanceMapper *path_instance_mapper)
 ~CombinedDataConflictTable ()
int get_max_instances (int segment_id)
std::pair< int, int > index_to_segment_and_instance_id (int index)
int segment_and_instance_id_to_index (int segment_id, int instance_id)
void print_conflict_table ()
 This function prints the combined conflict table in the terminal.
void print_conflict_table (bool *table)
void print_conflict_table (std::string filename)
void print_lookup_table ()
 This function prints the table instance_id_to_index_lookup_table in the terminal.
void print_lookup_table (std::string filename)
int max_prediction_steps ()
 the number of prediction steps until no more changes will happen

Public Attributes

 This lookup table translates segment ids into vertex descriptors. At position i is the segment with the id of instance_id_to_index_lookup_[0][i].
int max_instances_
 This variable represents the max number of module instances in the design. Also, this is the number of rows in the instance_id_to_index_lookup_ table.
int number_of_segments_
 This variable defines how many segments exist in the segment graph. Also, this is the number of columns in the instance_id_to_index_lookup_ table.
int size_of_conflict_table_
 This variable defines the size of the conflict table. The size is quadratic.
int ** instance_id_to_index_lookup_
 This table should be used a lookup table: (segment id, instance id) -> index of conflict table.
int * combined_table_
 The conflict table.
int prediction_steps_
 number of prediction steps until no more changes happen

Private Member Functions

void compute_combined_table ()
 This function computes the combined table for 'prediction_steps_' prediction steps.

Private Attributes


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::CombinedDataConflictTable ( risc::sg::DataConflictTable dct,
PathInstanceMapper path_instance_mapper 
risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::~CombinedDataConflictTable (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::compute_combined_table (  )  [private]

This function computes the combined table for 'prediction_steps_' prediction steps.

int risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::get_max_instances ( int  segment_id  ) 
std::pair< int, int > risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::index_to_segment_and_instance_id ( int  index  ) 
risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::max_prediction_steps (  ) 

the number of prediction steps until no more changes will happen

void risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::print_conflict_table ( std::string  filename  ) 
void risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::print_conflict_table ( bool *  table  ) 
risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::print_conflict_table (  ) 

This function prints the combined conflict table in the terminal.

This function prints the combined conflict table in the file filename.

This function prints the table table in the terminal.

void risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::print_lookup_table ( std::string  filename  ) 
risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::print_lookup_table (  ) 

This function prints the table instance_id_to_index_lookup_table in the terminal.

This function prints the table instance_id_to_index_lookup_table in the file filename.

int risc::sg::CombinedDataConflictTable::segment_and_instance_id_to_index ( int  segment_id,
int  instance_id 

Member Data Documentation

The conflict table.

This table should be used a lookup table: (segment id, instance id) -> index of conflict table.

This variable represents the max number of module instances in the design. Also, this is the number of rows in the instance_id_to_index_lookup_ table.

This variable defines how many segments exist in the segment graph. Also, this is the number of columns in the instance_id_to_index_lookup_ table.

number of prediction steps until no more changes happen

This variable defines the size of the conflict table. The size is quadratic.

This lookup table translates segment ids into vertex descriptors. At position i is the segment with the id of instance_id_to_index_lookup_[0][i].

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 12 Jun 2018 by  doxygen 1.6.1