SystemC  Recoding Infrastructure for SystemC v0.6.3 derived from Accellera SystemC 2.3.1
Accellera SystemC proof-of-concept library
Public Member Functions | List of all members
sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > Class Template Reference

#include <sysc/datatypes/fx/sc_fixed.h>

Inheritance diagram for sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 sc_fixed_fast (sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fixed_fast (const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fixed_fast (const sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > &)
sc_fixed_fastoperator= (const sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > &)
const sc_fxval_fast operator++ (int)
const sc_fxval_fast operator-- (int)
sc_fixed_fastoperator++ ()
sc_fixed_fastoperator-- ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from sc_dt::sc_fix_fast
 sc_fix_fast (sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (int, int, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, int, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (int, int, sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (int, int, sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, int, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (int, int, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, int, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (int, int, sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (int, int, sc_q_mode, sc_o_mode, int, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (const sc_fxtype_params &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (const sc_fxtype_params &, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *=0)
 sc_fix_fast (const sc_fix_fast &)
const sc_fix_fast operator~ () const
sc_fix_fastoperator= (const sc_fix_fast &)
const sc_fxval_fast operator++ (int)
const sc_fxval_fast operator-- (int)
sc_fix_fastoperator++ ()
sc_fix_fastoperator-- ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from sc_dt::sc_fxnum_fast
const sc_fxval_fast operator- () const
const sc_fxval_fast operator+ () const
 DECL_BIN_OP_T (/, int64) DECL_BIN_OP_T(/
uint64 DECL_BIN_OP_T (/, const sc_int_base &) DECL_BIN_OP_T(/
uint64 const sc_uint_baseDECL_BIN_OP_T (/, const sc_signed &) friend const sc_fxval_fast operator<< (const sc_fxnum_fast &
const sc_fxval_fast operator++ (int)
const sc_fxval_fast operator-- (int)
sc_fxnum_fastoperator++ ()
sc_fxnum_fastoperator-- ()
const sc_fxnum_fast_bitref operator[] (int) const
sc_fxnum_fast_bitref operator[] (int)
const sc_fxnum_fast_bitref bit (int) const
sc_fxnum_fast_bitref bit (int)
const sc_fxnum_fast_subref operator() (int, int) const
sc_fxnum_fast_subref operator() (int, int)
const sc_fxnum_fast_subref range (int, int) const
sc_fxnum_fast_subref range (int, int)
const sc_fxnum_fast_subref operator() () const
sc_fxnum_fast_subref operator() ()
const sc_fxnum_fast_subref range () const
sc_fxnum_fast_subref range ()
 operator double () const
short to_short () const
unsigned short to_ushort () const
int to_int () const
unsigned int to_uint () const
long to_long () const
unsigned long to_ulong () const
int64 to_int64 () const
uint64 to_uint64 () const
float to_float () const
double to_double () const
const std::string to_string () const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep) const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep, bool) const
const std::string to_string (sc_fmt) const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep, sc_fmt) const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep, bool, sc_fmt) const
const std::string to_dec () const
const std::string to_bin () const
const std::string to_oct () const
const std::string to_hex () const
bool is_neg () const
bool is_zero () const
bool is_normal () const
bool quantization_flag () const
bool overflow_flag () const
const sc_fxval_fast value () const
int wl () const
int iwl () const
sc_q_mode q_mode () const
sc_o_mode o_mode () const
int n_bits () const
const sc_fxtype_paramstype_params () const
const sc_fxcast_switchcast_switch () const
void print (::std::ostream &=::std::cout) const
void scan (::std::istream &=::std::cin)
void dump (::std::ostream &=::std::cout) const
void observer_read () const
bool get_bit (int) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from sc_dt::sc_fxnum_fast
uint64 const sc_uint_base int
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sc_dt::sc_fxnum_fast
sc_fxnum_fast_observerobserver () const
void cast ()
 sc_fxnum_fast (const sc_fxtype_params &, sc_enc, const sc_fxcast_switch &, sc_fxnum_fast_observer *)
 ~sc_fxnum_fast ()
double get_val () const
bool set_bit (int, bool)
bool get_slice (int, int, sc_bv_base &) const
bool set_slice (int, int, const sc_bv_base &)
sc_fxnum_fast_observerlock_observer () const
void unlock_observer (sc_fxnum_fast_observer *) const

Detailed Description

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
class sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >

Definition at line 60 of file sc_fixed.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::sc_fixed_fast ( sc_fxnum_fast_observer observer_ = 0)

Definition at line 490 of file sc_fixed.h.

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::sc_fixed_fast ( const sc_fxcast_switch cast_sw,
sc_fxnum_fast_observer observer_ = 0 

Definition at line 496 of file sc_fixed.h.

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::sc_fixed_fast ( const sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > &  a)

Definition at line 543 of file sc_fixed.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
const sc_fxval_fast sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::operator++ ( int  )

Definition at line 622 of file sc_fixed.h.

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > & sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::operator++ ( )

Definition at line 638 of file sc_fixed.h.

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
const sc_fxval_fast sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::operator-- ( int  )

Definition at line 630 of file sc_fixed.h.

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > & sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::operator-- ( )

Definition at line 647 of file sc_fixed.h.

template<int W, int I, sc_q_mode Q, sc_o_mode O, int N>
sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > & sc_dt::sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N >::operator= ( const sc_fixed_fast< W, I, Q, O, N > &  a)

Definition at line 553 of file sc_fixed.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: