SystemC  Recoding Infrastructure for SystemC v0.6.0 derived from Accellera SystemC 2.3.1
Accellera SystemC proof-of-concept library
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y > Class Template Reference

#include <sysc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit_proxies.h>

Inheritance diagram for sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 sc_concref_r (const X &left_, const Y &right_, int delete_=0)
 sc_concref_r (const sc_concref_r< X, Y > &a)
virtual ~sc_concref_r ()
sc_concref_r< X, Y > * clone () const
int length () const
int size () const
sc_logic_value_t get_bit (int n) const
void set_bit (int n, sc_logic_value_t value)
sc_digit get_word (int i) const
void set_word (int i, sc_digit w)
sc_digit get_cword (int i) const
void set_cword (int i, sc_digit w)
void clean_tail ()
bool is_01 () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from sc_dt::sc_proxy< sc_concref_r< X, Y > >
virtual ~sc_proxy ()
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & back_cast ()
const sc_concref_r< X, Y > & back_cast () const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const sc_proxy< Y > &a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const char *a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const bool *a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const sc_logic *a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const sc_unsigned &a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const sc_signed &a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const sc_uint_base &a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (const sc_int_base &a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (unsigned int a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (int a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (unsigned long a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (long a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (uint64 a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & assign_ (int64 a)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & b_not ()
const sc_lv_base operator~ () const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const char *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const bool *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const sc_logic *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const sc_unsigned &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const sc_signed &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const sc_uint_base &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (const sc_int_base &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (unsigned long b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (long b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (unsigned int b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (int b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (uint64 b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator&= (int64 b)
const sc_lv_base operator& (const char *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (const bool *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (const sc_logic *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (const sc_unsigned &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (const sc_signed &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (const sc_uint_base &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (const sc_int_base &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (unsigned long b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (long b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (unsigned int b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (int b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (uint64 b) const
const sc_lv_base operator& (int64 b) const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const char *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const bool *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const sc_logic *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const sc_unsigned &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const sc_signed &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const sc_uint_base &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (const sc_int_base &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (unsigned long b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (long b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (unsigned int b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (int b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (uint64 b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator|= (int64 b)
const sc_lv_base operator| (const char *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (const bool *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (const sc_logic *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (const sc_unsigned &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (const sc_signed &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (const sc_uint_base &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (const sc_int_base &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (unsigned long b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (long b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (unsigned int b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (int b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (uint64 b) const
const sc_lv_base operator| (int64 b) const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const char *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const bool *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const sc_logic *b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const sc_unsigned &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const sc_signed &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const sc_uint_base &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (const sc_int_base &b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (unsigned long b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (long b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (unsigned int b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (int b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (uint64 b)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator^= (int64 b)
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const char *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const bool *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const sc_logic *b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const sc_unsigned &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const sc_signed &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const sc_uint_base &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (const sc_int_base &b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (unsigned long b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (long b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (unsigned int b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (int b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (uint64 b) const
const sc_lv_base operator^ (int64 b) const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator<<= (int n)
const sc_lv_base operator<< (int n) const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & operator>>= (int n)
const sc_lv_base operator>> (int n) const
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & lrotate (int n)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & rrotate (int n)
sc_concref_r< X, Y > & reverse ()
sc_bitref< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > operator[] (int i)
sc_bitref_r< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > operator[] (int i) const
sc_bitref< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > bit (int i)
sc_bitref_r< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > bit (int i) const
sc_subref< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > operator() (int hi, int lo)
sc_subref_r< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > operator() (int hi, int lo) const
sc_subref< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > range (int hi, int lo)
sc_subref_r< sc_concref_r< X, Y > > range (int hi, int lo) const
sc_logic_value_t and_reduce () const
sc_logic_value_t nand_reduce () const
sc_logic_value_t or_reduce () const
sc_logic_value_t nor_reduce () const
sc_logic_value_t xor_reduce () const
sc_logic_value_t xnor_reduce () const
bool operator== (const char *b) const
bool operator== (const bool *b) const
bool operator== (const sc_logic *b) const
bool operator== (const sc_unsigned &b) const
bool operator== (const sc_signed &b) const
bool operator== (const sc_uint_base &b) const
bool operator== (const sc_int_base &b) const
bool operator== (unsigned long b) const
bool operator== (long b) const
bool operator== (unsigned int b) const
bool operator== (int b) const
bool operator== (uint64 b) const
bool operator== (int64 b) const
const std::string to_string () const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep) const
const std::string to_string (sc_numrep, bool) const
int64 to_int64 () const
uint64 to_uint64 () const
int to_int () const
unsigned int to_uint () const
long to_long () const
unsigned long to_ulong () const
void print (::std::ostream &os=::std::cout) const
void scan (::std::istream &is=::std::cin)

Protected Attributes

X & m_left
Y & m_right
int m_delete
int & m_refs

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from sc_dt::sc_proxy< sc_concref_r< X, Y > >
typedef sc_proxy_traits
< sc_concref_r< X, Y > >::type 
typedef traits_type::bit_type bit_type
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sc_dt::sc_proxy< sc_concref_r< X, Y > >
void check_bounds (int n) const
void check_wbounds (int n) const
sc_digit to_anything_unsigned () const
int64 to_anything_signed () const

Detailed Description

template<class X, class Y>
class sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >

Definition at line 43 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class X, class Y>
sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::sc_concref_r ( const X &  left_,
const Y &  right_,
int  delete_ = 0 

Definition at line 1111 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::sc_concref_r ( const sc_concref_r< X, Y > &  a)

Definition at line 1119 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::~sc_concref_r ( )

Definition at line 2992 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class X, class Y>
void sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::clean_tail ( )

Definition at line 1153 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
sc_concref_r<X,Y>* sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::clone ( ) const

Definition at line 1132 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
sc_logic_value_t sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::get_bit ( int  n) const

Definition at line 3014 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
sc_digit sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::get_cword ( int  i) const

Definition at line 3123 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
sc_digit sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::get_word ( int  i) const

Definition at line 3047 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
bool sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::is_01 ( ) const

Definition at line 1159 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
int sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::length ( ) const

Definition at line 1138 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
void sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::set_bit ( int  n,
sc_logic_value_t  value 

Definition at line 3031 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
void sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::set_cword ( int  i,
sc_digit  w 

Definition at line 3158 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X , class Y >
void sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::set_word ( int  i,
sc_digit  w 

Definition at line 3082 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
int sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::size ( ) const

Definition at line 1141 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class X, class Y>
int sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::m_delete

Definition at line 1166 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
X& sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::m_left

Definition at line 1164 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
int& sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::m_refs

Definition at line 1167 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

template<class X, class Y>
Y& sc_dt::sc_concref_r< X, Y >::m_right

Definition at line 1165 of file sc_bit_proxies.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: