SystemC  Recoding Infrastructure for SystemC v0.6.3 derived from Accellera SystemC 2.3.1
Accellera SystemC proof-of-concept library
sc_spawn_object< T > Class Reference

#include <sysc/kernel/sc_spawn.h>

Detailed Description

This templated helper class allows an object to provide the execution semantics for a process via its () operator. An instance of the supplied execution object will be kept to provide the semantics when the process is scheduled for execution. The () operator does not return a value. An example of an object that might be used for this helper function would be void SC_BOOST bound function or method.

This class is derived from sc_process_host and overloads 
sc_process_host::semantics to provide the actual semantic content.
 sc_spawn_object(T object, const char* name, const sc_spawn_options* opt_p)
   This is the object instance constructor for this class. It makes a
   copy of the supplied object. The tp_call constructor is called
   with an indication that this object instance should be reclaimed when
   execution completes.
       object   =  object whose () operator will be called to provide
                   the process semantics.
       name_p   =  optional name for object instance, or zero.
       opt_p    -> spawn options or zero.
 virtual void semantics()
   This virtual method provides the execution semantics for its process.
   It performs a () operation on m_object.

Definition at line 43 of file sc_spawn.h.

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