ESWeekTutorial.txt: "Cheat Sheet" for Hands-on Demo ------------------- (1) Hands-on Practical Training with RISC Compiler and Simulator ---------------------------------------------------------------- A. Docker Setup: docker pull ucirvinelecs/risc062 docker run -it ucirvinelecs/risc062:latest cd demodir or: sudo docker pull ucirvinelecs/risc062 sudo docker run -it ucirvinelecs/risc062:latest cd demodir B. Demo 1: DVD Player, TLM-1.0 make play_demo C. Demo 2: DVD Player, TLM-2.0 make play_TLM2_bus_mem_demo D. Demo 3: Mandelbrot Renderer make mandelbrot_demo E. Demo 4: Mandelbrot Renderer (with X graphics) -> establish graphical X terminal (e.g. Putty+Xming) xhost + -> setup Docker container with X connection docker run -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY ucirvinelecs/risc062:latest or: docker run -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" \ --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \ ucirvinelecs/risc062:latest -> run the graphical demo cd demodir make testX (2) Hands-on Practical Analysis of Parallel Potential of SystemC Models ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Docker Setup (with X graphics connection) xhost + docker run -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" \ --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \ ucirvinelecs/risc062:latest cd demodir B. Demo 5: Model Structure Visualization visual play.cpp visual mandelbrot.cpp visual play_TLM2.cpp visual play_TLM2_bus_mem.cpp C. Demo 6: Segment Graph and Conflict Table Visualization make play_ooo sysdot -cf play_data_conflict_table.html sysdot -cf play_data_conflict_table.html make mandelbrot_ooo sysdot -cf mandelbrot_data_conflict_table.html D. Demo 7: View HTML Tables in Web Browser play firefox play_min_data_conflict_table.html firefox play_data_conflict_table.html E. Demo 8: Parallel Benchmark Examples cp $RISC_HOME/examples/parallel/* . visual fmul.cpp visual fmul.cpp -DPAR=8 visual fibo.cpp -DPAR=8 more /proc/cpuinfo man risc export SYSC_PAR_SIM_CPUS=8 make fmul_seq fmul_ooo /usr/bin/time ./fmul_seq /usr/bin/time ./fmul_ooo make fibo_seq fibo_ooo /usr/bin/time ./fibo_ooo 50 /usr/bin/time ./fibo_seq 50 09/19/20, RD.