UCI Cadlab Technical Reports 1989-91 ------------------------- Disclaimer -- Permission to make digital/hard copy of all or part of any of the following publications and technical reports for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission. [TR-91-71] Frank Vahid, "A Survey of Behavioral-Level Partitioning Systems," UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-91-71, October 1991, 33 pages. Many approaches have been developed to partition a system's behavioral description before a structural implementation is synthesized. We highlight the foundations and motivations for behavioral partitioning. We survey behavioral partitioning approaches, discussing abstraction levels, goals, major steps, and key assumptions in each. [TR-90-20] Sanjiv Narayan, Frank Vahid, Daniel D. Gajski, "Modeling with SpecCharts," UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-90-20, July 1990, revised October 1992, 61 pages. SpecCharts is a language intended for system level specification and synthesis. Its blending of hierarchical state-diagrams with programming constructs permits description of event-driven systems as a true hierarchy of behaviors, unlike existing languages. Through many examples, we show in this report how a language with an underlying model of behavioral hierarchy greatly aids concise and comprehensible specifications obtained with minimal effort. [TR-89-03] Nikil Dutt, Tedd Hadley and Daniel D. Gajski, "BIF: A Behavioral Intermediate Format For High Level Synthesis," UC Irvine, Technical Report ICS-TR-89-03, February 1989. This report describes a new intermediate format for behavioral synthesis systems, based on annotated state tables. It supports user control of the synthesis process by allowing specification of partial design structures, user-bindings and user modification of compiled designs. It is a simple and uniform representation that can be used as an intermediate exchange format for various behavioral synthesis tools. The format captures synchronous and asynchronous behavior, and serves as a good interface to the user by linking behavior and structure at each level of abstraction in the behavioral synthesis process. _________________________________________________________________ Last update: March 25, 1999 by A. Gerstlauer (gerstl@ics.uci.edu).