
Career Chat with Dan Cregg

As the Chief Research Officer of Insteon, Dan Cregg leads the advancement of Insteon’s technology and rapidly evolving product line. He is one of the primary developers of Insteon’s dual-band technology that was introduced in 2005. Since then, Insteon technology has been integrated into hundreds of products, bringing the Internet of Things to the mainstream.

Cregg is a veteran in the home automation industry with over two decades of experience and came to Insteon via Smartlabs, which in 2000 acquired SmartLinc, a company Cregg co-founded. Cregg also founded and was president of HomeRun Automation, which SmartLinc purchased in 1997. He has held engineering and management positions at McDonnell-Douglas, SVG Thermco, and Universal Electronics.

Cregg holds both Bachelor and Master degrees in engineering from California State University Long Beach. He is an active adjunct professor at CSULB as well as University of California, Irvine (UCI). Cregg is also a member the of the UCI engineering school’s Engineering Leadership Council, CalIt2 CTO advisory council, and CSULB CECS advisory council.