INSTALL: some notes about the installation of the binary SCRC package

Binary installation of the SpecC Reference Compiler:

- First, unpack the distribution archive into the directory
  => cd REPLACE_ME
  => gtar xvzf scrc-2.2-bin.tar.gz

- This binary distribution is compiled to be placed in the
  REPLACE_ME directory.
  If you need to install SpecC in a different directory, you have
  to modify the bin/setup.[c]sh scripts to reflect the new installation
  directory. Usually, setting the SPECC environment variable to
  the new SpecC home directory is sufficient.

- Update your current search paths according to the files bin/setup.[c]sh,
  or, for example, put the following in your .cshrc file:
  => source REPLACE_ME/bin/setup.csh

- Congratulations, your system is now installed and ready to run!
  You may want to try the included examples, e.g.:
  => mkdir work
  => cd work
  => cp $SPECC/examples/simple/* .
  => make
  => ...


Rainer Doemer, December 15, 2014.

Last modification date: Monday, 15-Dec-2014 15:19:41 PST