INSTALL: some notes about the source installation of the SCRC Requirements: - a Unix-like operating system (Linux distributions Fedora4, Fedora12, RedHatEL3, RedHatEL4, RedHatEL5, RedHatEL6, and Ubuntu8 have been confirmed to work) - the GNU C++ compiler g++ (version 3.2.2 or newer) - the scanner generator flex (version 2.5.2 or newer) - the parser generator bison (version 1.24 or newer) - a gmake compatible make (BSD style make is fine) Installation: - unpack the distribution archive => gtar xvzf scrc-2.2.tar.gz => cd scrc-2.2 (for systems without symbolic links, e.g. GNUWIN32, please use the archive scrc-2.2-3.tar.gz which contains copies of files instead of symbolic links and other Windows-specific modifications) - modify the file Makefile.macros to reflect your local compiler environment (adjust the SPECC path and the platform and architecture macros; several architectures are already prepared, so you probably just need to activate the right one) => vi Makefile.macros - check further requirements of external packages (please see the README in directory pkg) - one step compilation and installation: => make ALL if anything goes wrong, then follow the step by step procedure listed below; if everything goes fine then congratulations, your SCRC is now installed and ready to run; please jump to the last bullet in this section - detailed compilation and installation steps: - compile the SpecC base package => make all if anything goes wrong, correct your settings in Makefile.macros and try again; in order to recompile everything, use => make clean all - install the base package => make install or, if you also want to create an archive of the binary distribution, do this instead => make bindist - test the package => make test this should result in a (quite long) test session with the following message at the end: "All tests successfully completed."; if the tests do not run successfully, go back to your settings in Makefile.macros; if you have it, you might also want to use purify for the test => make puretest - Congratulations, your SCRC is now installed and ready to run! You might want to copy the examples to your work directory and try them, e.g.: => mkdir work => cd work => cp $SPECC/examples/simple/* . => source $SPECC/bin/setup.csh => make => ... Bug reports: - the SpecC reference compiler currently consists of more than 120k lines of code - the SpecC compiler contains bugs (see BUGS for known bugs) - if you encounter a problem which you think is a bug, don't hesitate to contact us; you can find contact information in the COPYRIGHT file; however, please be aware that we cannot fix everything at once, but we will try to fix as much as possible as soon as possible Enjoy! Rainer Doemer, December 15, 2014.