------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALL RISC V 0.1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OS Requirements: - CentOS 6.5, 64 bit Linux (other distributions may work as well) - GNU C++ compiler tool chain (version 4.4.7 is verified to work) External Libraries: - boost (version 1.45.0) - ROSE compiler infrastructure (https://github.com/rose-compiler/edg4x-rose) Installation instructions: Generally, extract the tar-ball, adjust the paths in 'source_me' and 'Makefile.macros', and then type 'make' to build the software: # gtar xvzf risc.tar.gz # vi source_me # vi Makefile.macros # make build # make install # make test - More specific instructions can be found in files INSTALL. - See also the doxygen main page Enjoy! Tim Schmidt, 06/04/14. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------